Apprentice Star caught with Amber-Rose Badrudin Uncovered

The Apprentice 2025 star who was found in a hotel room with rival Amber-Rose Badrudin during filming has reportedly been uncovered.

Apprentice Star caught with Amber-Rose Badrudin Uncovered f

“He was half undressed"

The Apprentice 2025 contestant who was found in a hotel room with co-star Amber-Rose Badrudin has been uncovered as a telemarketing expert.

According to The Sun, 27-year-old Keir Shave was accused by BBC bosses of breaking the show’s strict “no touching” rule with Amber-Rose.

It happened while they were filming in Turkey for the upcoming 19th series.

It comes after it was reported that Amber-Rose had been spotted with a half-naked male co-star through a window by a crew member in Cappadocia.

A source said at the time: “Members of the welfare team then knocked on Amber-Rose’s door and saw the male contestant trying to hide in the bathroom to avoid being spotted.

“He was half undressed and appeared to be trying to cover himself with something.

“It’s a strict rule in their contracts with production company Naked that contestants mustn’t have relationships with each other, and most certainly shouldn’t share a room together.

“The pair were read the riot act by a senior member of production when they returned to London.

“They were reminded of the strict sex ban and physical contact clause in their contracts and how The Apprentice is a professional show.”

She also wrote Leeds-based Keir a love letter when he was on the verge of being axed after his team lost a later task.

Amber-Rose reportedly gave the note to another candidate to sneak into his suitcase but it was intercepted.

Apprentice Star caught with Amber-Rose Badrudin Uncovered

A source told The Sun: “Keir appeared to be trying to cover himself when the welfare team knocked at the door.

“He quickly scurried into the bathroom to avoid being spotted.”

The contestants for the new series are expected to be unveiled later in January 2025.

On Companies House, Keir is listed as director of the telemarketing service Parallel Partnerships.

He founded the business after he was made redundant in March 2023.

Amber-Rose Badrudin runs an Asian food retail business in Croydon, South London.

She was in a four-year relationship with business partner Michael Nguyen. They split up but it was not made clear when.

An Apprentice source said: “Naturally, all candidates have formed friendships while living and working together during filming.

“Amber-Rose and Keir were a support for one another and maintain their relationship is platonic. They’ve only ever been focused on the show.”

Lead Editor Dhiren is our news and content editor who loves all things football. He also has a passion for gaming and watching films. His motto is to "Live life one day at a time".

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