Shopkeeper punched in Face by Youths Stealing Fanta

Shopkeeper Baljinder Singh was punched in the face by a group of youths who stole cans of Fanta. The incident is under investigation.

Shopkeeper punched in Face by Youths Stealing Fanta ft

"I realised he was stealing so I went after him to get the case."

Shopkeeper Baljinder Singh, aged 37, from Old Basford, Nottingham, was punched in the face as he chased a group of youths who stole cans of Fanta.

Mr Singh is the co-owner of Go Local (Shergills) on Park Lane and lives above the shop. He said the incident lasted five minutes and it left him shook up.

The incident took place on February 19, 2019. He was in the shop with his wife Rupinder Mandair, aged 34, a health care assistant at the Queen’s Medical Centre.

He said one teenage boy came into the shop and was “messing around”. Mr Singh told him to leave.

The boy returned five minutes later. He apologised for his behaviour and said he was going to buy a can of Fanta.

As he went to the till, another four to five teenagers entered the shop.

Mr Singh said one of the teenagers ran off with a case of Fanta when the boy was at the till. The shopkeeper immediately gave chase.

Baljinder said: “He started running outside the door. I realised he was stealing so I went after him to get the case.

“When I went outside there were another two to three kids on bikes. Then they all started running together at the same time.

“He got away. On one side there was another teenager running with him. He had a hoodie on.”

When he caught the boy, Mr Singh was punched in the face.

“When I tried to catch him, I got his hood, so he just turned around and the first thing he’s done is punch my face.”

“Everything happened so quickly before I noticed it and everyone just ran away.”

Mr Singh was punched on the side of his face. His face was swollen and painful for several days after the incident.

Two further cases of Fanta was stolen as two teens remained inside the shop when Mr Singh ran after the other boys.

In total three cases were stolen. Each case contains 12 cans. The shop sells a can for £1.29, meaning all 36 cans would have been sold for £46.44.

Police officers were called to the shop at approximately 8:10 pm on the day of the incident which has left Mr Singh feeling shaken.

Anyone with any information which could help has been requested to call Nottinghamshire Police on 101. They should quote incident 824 of February 19.

Alternatively, you can contact Crimestoppers online or anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Lead Editor Dhiren is our news and content editor who loves all things football. He also has a passion for gaming and watching films. His motto is to "Live life one day at a time".

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