The Surprising Places where Gen Z find Love

Dating apps have been on a steady decline among Gen Z but this particular demographic is finding romance in surprising places.

The Surprising Places where Gen Z find Love f

Supermarkets offer a relaxed, real-world setting

Dating apps once seemed like the go-to solution for meeting potential partners. But for Gen Z, especially in South Asian communities, their appeal has been steadily fading.

A report by Ofcom in late 2024 pointed to changing dating habits as one of the reasons behind the mass exodus from platforms like Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge, with many South Asians finding the experience increasingly frustrating.

Anyone who’s spent time on a dating app knows how quickly things can turn sour—ghosting, catfishing, unsolicited explicit messages, and even ‘foodie calls’.

It becomes exhausting to be always ‘switched on’, endlessly swiping, only to find more disappointment, while the apps continue to promise that love is just one match away.

It seems many feel the same way. In fact, 79% of Gen Z in a Forbes Health survey admitted to feeling ‘exhausted’ by online dating.

So, where are they turning to find love instead?

The Supermarket

The Surprising Places where Gen Z find Love - supermarket

For many South Asian Gen Z people, the supermarket has become a surprisingly effective place to meet someone.

In Australia, nearly 47% of Gen Z daters admitted they’d love to meet a romantic partner while grocery shopping.

And it makes sense. Supermarkets offer a relaxed, real-world setting where you can gauge someone’s lifestyle from their shopping cart.

Whether it’s offering advice on picking the best mango or reaching for an item on a high shelf, these casual interactions make it easy to connect.

In Spain, young romantics have even turned the local supermarket chain, Mercadona, into a quirky love hotspot.

There’s even a code to signal your intentions: an upside-down pineapple means you’re open to chatting, confectionery suggests something casual, and a cart full of vegetables?

You’re clearly looking for something long-term.

Running Clubs

The Surprising Places where Gen Z find Love - running

Running clubs have become another unexpected place where Gen Z is finding love.

Accessible to all fitness levels, these clubs combine exercise with socialising in a relaxed environment.

The pace is conversational, making it easy to chat while working towards a common goal.

And for many, it’s a great way to meet like-minded people without the awkwardness of bar chats or cold DMs.

Even Tinder has caught on, partnering with coaching app Runna in mid-2024 to organise the Solemates Run Club—a series of free 5km runs in London.

The events sold out quickly, showing how fitness and romance can go hand in hand.


For South Asians who value community, volunteering offers another natural avenue to meet potential partners.

A recent survey by DoSomething found that while 93% of Gen Z and Gen Alpha volunteer for the impact they can make, 85% also do it to make connections.

Volunteering offers regular interaction, shared experiences, and the chance to bond over a cause you both care about—plus, the feel-good factor of giving back.

Consistency plays a big role in building connections.

While 75% of regular and occasional volunteers say they appreciate the sense of community, the regulars are twice as likely to form deeper bonds.

Nonprofits like LIFT in the US and City of Good in Singapore have recognised the potential for love to blossom in these environments.

Of course, this doesn’t mean dating apps are obsolete.

Even though Gen Z’s relationship with them is more lukewarm, they still have a role in sparking connections.

Ultimately, there’s no secret formula for finding love.

It’s not guaranteed, but whether through volunteering, running clubs, or even dating apps, the key is to put yourself out there and create more chances for sparks to fly.

Lead Editor Dhiren is our news and content editor who loves all things football. He also has a passion for gaming and watching films. His motto is to "Live life one day at a time".

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