Man Jailed for Brutally Beating Policewoman in Street

A man has been jailed for carrying out a brutal attack on a policewoman in a Birmingham street despite her pleas for him to stop.

Man Jailed for Brutally Beating Policewoman in Street f

"He then immediately punched the female officer in the face"

Kadeer Hussain, aged 38, of Handsworth, Birmingham, has been jailed for two years after violently attacking a policewoman.

Birmingham Crown Court heard that he beat her in the street following a 999 call. Hussain also assaulted the woman’s colleague.

The two officers had been responding to a call to an incident on May 2, 2019. They went to the street in Handsworth where Hussain lived.

They had been trying to find out the reason for the call when they were approached by Hussain who initially appeared calm.

The prosecutor, Richard McConaghy, explained:

“Then with no warning whatsoever, he punched the male officer in the face knocking him backwards.

“He then immediately punched the female officer in the face causing her nose to start to bleed.

“Hussain then pursued the woman officer, punching her so hard she fell to the floor and then carried on his attack as she lay on the ground.

“She pleaded with him to stop as he repeatedly struck her in the face.

“Her colleague then pulled the defendant away and using a spray, although Hussain kept coming towards him.”

Hussain continued to struggle after he was handcuffed when police reinforcements arrived. He had to be carried to the police van.

Mr McConaghy explained that the male officer suffered some pain and blurred vision.

But the policewoman suffered more serious injuries. She had a bruised and swollen cheek, a bloodied nose, a cut to the inside of her mouth and cuts to her hands and arms as a result of her falling to the ground.

The victim also had to have a splint on her arm to help with the pain.

In a statement, the female officer revealed that she still suffered flashbacks and could “still see him coming towards me.”

Hussain was found guilty of two charges of assault.

Judge Sarah Buckingham said:

“It was a sustained assault upon her. You clearly have a problem with authority.”

“A further aggravating feature is that they were two working police officers who should have been able to go about their job in an ordinary way.”

She had taken into account that there had been a breakdown in Hussain’s mental health at the time.

Amanda O’Mara, defending, said that Hussain had already spent 11 months in custody on remand.

She said it was a sudden act by Hussain who had previously had “issues with the police”.

Birmingham Mail reported that Hussain was sentenced to two years in prison.

Lead Editor Dhiren is our news and content editor who loves all things football. He also has a passion for gaming and watching films. His motto is to "Live life one day at a time".

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