Chandni Chowk to China Premieres

Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar and hot newcomer Deepika Padukone where in Toronto on January 9, 2009 for the Canadian premiere of their  film “Chandni Chowk to China” along with it’s Director, Nikhil Advani. “Chandni Chowk to China” is an action-comedy film about a cook from Chandni Chowk who is mistaken for the reincarnation of ancient peasant warrior by […]

Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar and hot newcomer Deepika Padukone where in Toronto on January 9, 2009 for the Canadian premiere of their  film “Chandni Chowk to China” along with it’s Director, Nikhil Advani.

“Chandni Chowk to China” is an action-comedy film about a cook from Chandni Chowk who is mistaken for the reincarnation of ancient peasant warrior by residents of an oppressed Chinese village.

During an afternoon press conference, Deepika looked stunning in a black and gold strapless dress and Akshay looked ruggedly handsome in a black leather jacket and wild pair of Nike One runners that were black with red laces.

Akshay tried to turn the tables on the media by asking them questions for a change, while Deepika and Nikhil got a huge laugh out of the scenario.  Akshay told members of the media that he travels to Toronto about once every four months and has a home there.  He said it’s the place he goes to relax.

In the evening, Akshay’s wife Twinkle joined them on the Red Carpet where they greeted many excited members of the media, while hundreds of excited theatre goers waited for them inside the theatre.

Prior to the film, Akshay, Deepika and Nikhil said a few brief words to the audience who were wildly enthusiastic about seeing the movie.  Akshay asked the audience to “Check their brains at the door” and enjoy the movie.

On 12th January, Akshay Kumar and Deeepika Padukone were in the West End of London, for their UK premiere. Despite it being a chilly evening, hundreds of fans turned up to see the stars of the red carpet. Akshay was telling people that the movie is a ‘senseless’ slapstick movie and to watch it with an open mind. Deepika was cheerful and glad to be in London once again.  A surprise guest also turned up for the premiere  – Amitabh Bachchan.  The Big B sat next to  Akshay Kumar for his Indo-Chinese slapstick venture.

Chandini Chowk to China Toronto PremiereChandini Chowk to China Toronto PremiereChandni Chowk to China Toronto Premiere

Chandni Chowk to China Toronto PremiereChandni Chowk to China Toronto PremiereChandni Chowk to China UK Premiere

This movie is the first venture that Warner Brothers has co-produced with the Bollywood film industry. One of many to come.

Warner Bros. released Chandni Chowk to China on general release on Friday January 16th 2009.

Toronto premiere photos courtesy of Heather Manning ( Click on the photos to see a larger version.

Heather Manning is from Toronto, Canada. As a non-Desi, she has an avid interest in Bollywood and its stars. She believes nothing is impossible if you have your heart set on it and make an effort to achieve the things you want in life.

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