Teenager sentenced for Scaring and Robbing Children

A teenager from Derby has been sentenced for robbing several schoolchildren. He also told them things about himself which scared them.

Teenager sentenced for Scaring and Robbing Children f

"He then went on to target two other children."

Mohammed Aumar, aged 19, of Derby, was sentenced to three years in a young offenders’ institution. The teenager had robbed three children and tried to do the same to three others near a Derby school.

The incidents took place near Landau Forte College on Fox Street on June 6, 2019.

He had told the children, aged between 13 and 15, that he had “stabbed someone in the past” and had been “in prison”.

Derby Crown Court heard how one victim was so scared they had a panic attack but they were able to run home and tell their parents.

The child’s parents then went out and tracked down Aumar, taking a picture of him which was used to identify and link him to the incidents.

Aumar had stolen a total of £12.20 from his victims.

Julia King, prosecuting, said: “The first victim saw the defendant and the defendant shouted to him saying he wanted to speak to him.

“He told him to wait before asking him if he had any money on him. He then went on to target two other children.

“The defendant approached them and told them he went to the same school as them. He then told them that he had stabbed somebody (in the past).”

Aumar had “demanded” money from them both. One of the children gave him some money, but the other child didn’t have any to give to him.

Aumar then targeted two more children, telling them he had “stabbed someone before” and that he had been “released from prison”.

One victim gave him £5.

Ms King explained that the final incident took place at 4:25 pm.

She said: “The sixth victim was walking down the road when he was approached by the defendant when he ran up to him.

“The victim had a panic attack and ran home. He told his parents, who immediately left home to find the defendant.”

“They found the defendant wearing clothing which matched the description given by their son and took a photograph of him.”

The photograph was used to identify the teenager.

Aumar pleaded guilty to three counts of robbery. He also admitted to three counts of attempted robbery.

Mr Singh, mitigating, said that his client was homeless at the time and committed the robberies to buy flowers for his mother.

He said: “His previous experience of custody is measured in weeks. Now it is going to be measured in years. He’s pleaded guilty.

“In terms of this man, he has had difficulties in his life and was sent to Pakistan. He was subject to unpleasant behaviour by others.

“He never had a weapon. It wasn’t planned. He only achieved £12.20. It happened over the course of an hour if that.”

Mr Singh also said that Aumar had “safe fist-bumped” one of the children due to their “co-operation”.

Recorder Balrag Bhatia QC sentenced Mohammed Aumar to three years in a young offenders’ institute.

The Derby Telegraph reported that he also praised the parents for their efforts in tracking the teenager down, awarding them £500.

Lead Editor Dhiren is our news and content editor who loves all things football. He also has a passion for gaming and watching films. His motto is to "Live life one day at a time".

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