Punjabi Speakers can earn £43K in London study says

A study of over 360,000 job adverts in London found that Punjabi speakers can earn over £43,000 in England’s capital.

Study says Punjabi Speakers can earn £43K in London f

Punjabi is the UK's best-paid language in job ads

A study has revealed that Punjabi speakers can earn over £43,000 in London.

Researchers at language learning platform Preply conducted a study of over 360,000 job adverts to determine which foreign languages could give you the biggest pay rise.

It also highlighted which of these are most sought-after in London in 2023.

The study found that Punjabi is the UK’s best-paid language in job ads, with an average salary of £43,415.

According to the 2021 census, Punjabi is the fourth main language in the UK, with 291,000 speakers.

Only English, Polish and Romanian had higher figures.

In London, there is a large Punjabi population, with the majority living in Southall. Nicknamed ‘Little Punjab’, Punjabis make up almost 70% of Southall’s population.

Punjabi is not the only South Asian language that can boost career earnings.

Both Urdu and Hindi also feature in the top 10, sitting at 6th and 10th respectively.

Urdu speakers can earn £39,225 while Hindi speakers can earn £32,583.

Arabic and German ranked 2nd and 3rd on the list.

The average salaries for the top four languages were all above £40,000.

The Top 10

  1. Punjabi – £43,415
  2. Arabic – £43,143
  3. German – £41,934
  4. Spanish – £41,082
  5. French – £39,261
  6. Urdu – £39,225
  7. Mandarin – £39,189
  8. Portuguese – £37,954
  9. Italian – £33,513
  10. Hindi – £32,583

But while Punjabi is the best-paid language, it appears to not be in much demand by London employers, with just 30 job vacancies.

According to the study, job vacancies with French were the most prevalent, with 4,926 openings.

This was followed by German (3,796) and then Spanish (2,393).

These are the three languages which dominate the GCSE foreign language curriculum.

While Punjabi does not make the top 10, Hindi (115) and Urdu (54) do.

As well as focusing on London, Preply also examined the most lucrative languages across the UK.

Arabic is the UK’s best-paid language in relevant job ads, with an average salary of £43,903 on offer. This is over £10,000 more than the average UK salary of around £32,000.

On the UK-wide list, Punjabi ranked 6th, highlighting the earning potential for Punjabi speakers in London.

German and Spanish ranked 2nd and 3rd in the ranking, with only £13 separating them.

However, average salaries for jobs requiring Hindi and Italian were actually less than the UK average.

And when it comes to the most in-demand languages across the UK, French was the most prevalent, with 13,213 openings.

This was followed by Spanish (9,321) and then German (7,949).

The UK’s best-paid language, Arabic, only ranked 6th of the most in-demand languages, with just 2,491 vacancies currently open.

In the United States, Hindi speakers can earn a lot of money, with the average salary standing at $76,106.

Portuguese is not far behind, as those fluent in this language are able to make around $73,178.

The top five most lucrative languages demonstrate huge cultural diversity in the US in 2023, with German, Urdu, and Japanese all ranking highly here too.

Lead Editor Dhiren is our news and content editor who loves all things football. He also has a passion for gaming and watching films. His motto is to "Live life one day at a time".

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