Cousins racing at 100mph left Policeman Seriously Injured

Two cousins who raced each other at 100mph crashed into a police car, leaving the officer with serious injuries.

Cousins racing at 100mph left Policeman Seriously Injured f

"Ghani’s vehicle collided head-on with PC Joyce’s vehicle"

Two cousins have been jailed after they raced each other at speeds exceeding 100mph, resulting in a police officer being seriously injured.

On March 25, 2020, Haseeb Ashraf and Amaan Ghani were driving home from work.

However, Ghani lost control of his BMW 1 Series and crashed head-on into an unmarked police car on Warren Vale, Rotherham.

Sheffield Crown Court heard that Ashraf, driving a silver Vauxhall Astra and Ghani in his grey BMW, engaged in high-speed racing, reaching speeds of more than 100mph.

They had poor undertaking, and were “consistently below that of a careful and competent driver”.

As they headed towards Woodman roundabout, Ghani, who was 18 at the time, lost control of his car.

He veered onto the opposite side of the carriageway and into oncoming traffic.

Ghani ended up colliding head-on with an unmarked police car.

Brian Outhwaite, prosecuting, said: “Ashraf’s vehicle pulled into a field and Ghani’s vehicle collided head-on with PC Joyce’s vehicle causing both cars front impact damage with both going into the air for a short momentary period.”

The police officer, Martyn Joyce, suffered serious injuries and was taken to hospital. Almost two years after the crash, the officer is still recovering and continues to receive treatment.

Mr Outhwaite continued: “His airbag in his vehicle deployed.

“All he could see was smoke. He could not see out and he could not open the door and he thought the car was on fire.

“He described being in agonising pain.”

Ghani was also left seriously injured in the collision, including a broken arm, and was taken to hospital.

The cousins both admitted to causing serious injury by dangerous driving.

In an impact statement, PC Joyce said:

“The injuries have completely impacted on my career, my family life, my relationship, my finances and on my mental health.”

Recorder Mark McKone QC told Ghani and Ashraf:

“Ultimately, this amounted to racing with a total disregard to the safety of others in pursuit of your excitement.”

Haseeb Ashraf and Amaan Ghani, both aged 20 and of Rotherham, were each jailed for two years and two months.

They were both banned from driving for four years.

After sentencing, police sergeant John Taylor said:

“After many months of hard work by PC Natalie Booler, both admitted their guilt.

“They now have time inside to consider the consequences of their actions.

“This case stands as an example of the harm that can be done when people drive dangerously on the roads.”

Lead Editor Dhiren is our news and content editor who loves all things football. He also has a passion for gaming and watching films. His motto is to "Live life one day at a time".

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