5 Unusual Pancake Recipes you Must Try

If you’re like trying new recipes or you just love pancakes, give these unusual pancake recipes a try for something unique and fun for everyone.

Unusual Pancake Recipes

Think outside the box and make something exciting.

Whether it’s Pancake Day or you just feel like making pancakes, sometimes the standard recipes can get a bit boring.

If you’re after healthy pancakes or even Desi-style pancakes, give these unusual pancake recipes a try and make cooking more fun.

You can whip something up for guests or get the whole family involved. Don’t just stick to ordinary pancakes, think outside the box and make something exciting.

Savoury Chicken Curry Pancakes

Chicken Curry Unusual Pancake Recipes

Not everyone has a sweet tooth. If you’re looking for a savoury twist on the traditional pancake, or want a pancake you can serve for dinner, give this one a try.

The pancakes are made with chickpea flour and spices. This gives them a stronger and more robust flavour so they’re the perfect accompaniment to curry.

Macheesmo provides a tasty curry recipe to go with the pancakes, or you could try serving them up with your family’s favourite.

Give unusual pancake recipes a try with this Desi twist on the classic here.

Vegan Pistachio Pancakes

Vegan Pistachio Unusual Pancake Recipes

Even if you don’t eat dairy, you should still get to experience the fun of Pancake Day.

Made with spinach and bananas, they’re good for you as well as fun. The bright green colour makes these pancakes perfect for kids.

Pistachios add nuttiness and the berry syrup is perfectly tart. As far as unusual pancake recipes go, this vegan delight certainly isn’t low on flavour.

Check out this recipe for proof that the vegan alternative can be even better than ordinary pancakes here.

Bacon and Brie Pancakes

Bacon Brie Unusual Pancake Recipes

Try these if you want something for brunch rather than breakfast. Smooth brie and salty bacon is a match made in heaven.

If you’re after unusual pancake recipes that really are a decadent treat, then this is the one for you. They’re easy to make and look impressive, so they’re perfect for a brunch with guests.

If you want to take this rich delight a step further, you can add jalapenos for a spicy twist. Full of flavour and oozing, melting cheese, this is one that’ll leave you happy and full.

Give your diet a break with this cheesy pancake recipe here.

Gluten Free Vegan Red Lentil Pancakes

Lentil Unusual Pancake Recipes

On Pancake Day, everyone should be able to enjoy delicious pancakes even if they’re gluten free. Even if they’re gluten free and dairy free.

This pancake recipe uses red lentils to thicken the batter. This also means that these pancakes are packed with all the nutrients which come from lentils. Ideal if you’re after a healthy twist on your pancakes.

The use of lentils in this recipe also means that you’ll be getting more protein. This means you’ll stay fuller for longer.

You can have delicious pancakes for breakfast knowing that you’ll be getting a really healthy meal instead of just a sweet treat.

Try these health conscious pancakes here.

Savoury Pesto and Sun-Dried Tomato Pancakes

Pesto Unusual Pancake Recipes

If you want more unusual pancake recipes that you can serve for lunch instead of breakfast, give this one a try.

Fresh and rich, this one’s great to serve up for guests.


  • 100g plain flour.
  • 2 eggs.
  • 300ml semi-skimmed milk.
  • 2 tbsp. pesto.
  • Pinch of salt.
  • Sun-dried tomatoes in olive oil.
  • Feta cheese.


  1. Add the flour, eggs, milk, pesto and salt to a mixing bowl and whisk until smooth.
  2. On a medium heat, add the batter to a frying pan.
  3. Fry for roughly 1 minute on each side, or until golden.
  4. Serve with sun-dried tomatoes and feta cheese.

So whether you’re looking for breakfast, lunch or dinner, you’re sure to find some unusual pancake recipes you’ll enjoy here.

Put a twist on your pancakes and start experimenting with your recipes. There’s no need to stick to the same boring old batter when you can give one of these a try.

Aimee is an International Politics graduate and a foodie who loves being daring and trying new things. Passionate about reading and writing with aspirations to be a novelist, she keeps herself inspired by the saying: “I am, therefore I write.”

Images Courtesy of Macheesmo, One Green Planet, Egg Recipes and Salted Plains.

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