Unusual Chocolate Flavours You Must Try

Are you a chocoholic? Can you resist your daily dose of chocolate? Try some of these unusual chocolate flavours to test whether you’re a true fan!

Chocolate Cupcake

Havana chocolate is said to actually stimulate the feeling of smoking a cigar!

Would you class yourself as a chocoholic?

Or even just someone brave enough to try unusual new flavours?

DESIblitz brings you the list of the most peculiar flavours of chocolate you could try.

Some of them could be delicious, yet some could have surprising flavours that make you squirm!

Ranging from vegetables, to spices, to even forms of cheese, we cover it all. Read on for your daily fix of chocolatey heaven.

1.   Soy Sauce

Soy Sauce Chocolate

Whether you like soy sauce or not, trying it in chocolate is a must!

Using soy sauce to create a beautiful caramel sauce to drizzle over brownies or fudge cake, the soy compliments the caramel beautifully, giving it a rich taste.

It will leave your tastebuds wanting more, as it creates a flavour very unique to original chocolate.

To see how to make this for yourself, follow the recipe here for Double Chocolate Brownies with Soy Caramel Sauce.

2.   Ginger

Ginger Chocolate

They say ginger is good for a sore throat. So what could be better when you’re feeling unwell than eating ginger chocolate?

Chocolate combined with ginger creates a rich mouth-watering taste.

If you like gingerbread cookies, or just gingerbread itself, combined with chocolate, this creates a similar sort of taste.

So, sore throat or not, trying ginger chocolate can only be good for you!

3.   Chilli


Chilli is an interesting flavour to use in a sweet snack, as it’s a savoury kick.

They are the most commonly used ingredients in the average kitchen, so why not use them in chocolate?

Mexican chilli chocolate produces a more dry chocolate, such as Chilli Chocolate Cupcakes.

Using cinnamon and cayenne pepper, this combination and chillies and chocolates heralds a zesty bite – but a delicious flavour.

Indian chilli combinations include Chocolate Chilli Ice-Cream.

4.   Goat’s Cheese

Goats Cheese Chocolate

Goat’s Cheese in chocolate sure does imply a level of sophistication to a sweet snack, but how good does it taste?

A goat’s cheese bon-bon would include dark chocolate mixed together with goat’s cheese, mixed in with black pepper buttercream.

The element of actually liking goats cheese does seem to be quite imperative to enjoying the taste – even if it is chocolate.

But for you cheese lovers, this is one to try!

5.   Green Tea

Green Tea Chocolate

The most commonly known type of green tea chocolate actually comes in the form of a KitKat.

This weird obsession comes from the Japanese, who absolutely love it!

Kit-Kat also do other crazy flavours, such as the Sweet Potato KitKat and a blueberry cheesecake flavour.

This green tea flavour, however, combines white chocolate KitKat with matcha green tea.

Well, the Japanese love it, so let’s take a ‘leaf’ out of their book and try it ourselves!

6.   Tobacco

Tobacco Chocolate

Tobacco … in a chocolate? Surely not!

Yet, chocolate maker Dominique Persoone, has created 60 different types of Tobacco Chocolate Truffles.

Havana chocolate is made from cigar leaves marinated in rum and cognac, leaving a peppery feeling in your throat.

This is said to actually stimulate the feeling of smoking a cigar.

Perhaps if you want to quit smoking, these little gems would be ideal to try.

Instead of being a nicotine addict, you can become a chocolate addict instead. Perfect!

7.   Goji Berries

goji beries

Goji berries in chocolate are a great alternative chocolate bar to have as a vegan.

The redness of the goji berries mixed in with the dark oozing chocolate create an image of love, so these innovative bars are ideal for Valentine’s Day!

Combined with large Himalayan salt crystals, this quirky blend creates a Salted Berry Bar.

The berries do have a very unique aquired taste, but mixed in with the chocolatey goodness, they provide a delicious balance of flavours.

8.   Wasabi

Wasabi Chocolate

Wasabi is commonly known for its spicy flavour. The green colouring may imply this little flavour is harmless.

But be warned, one lick of this on your tongue could have you streaming from your eyes if you’re spice intake level is low!

So how about having it in a chocolate bar? A wasabi bar has actually already been created by popular chocolate brand, Lindt.

Immediately after tasting this chocolate, the hints of wasabi are evident, but are equally counteracted by the smooth milky taste of chocolate.

Yet, the sting of spice can still be evident for those who are not fans.

One to watch out for!

9. Sweet Potato

Sweet Potato Chocolate

What ‘unusual chocolate’ list would be complete without the use of a vegetable? Sweet potato chocolate appears to be a strange but popular choice amongst chocolate experimenters.

Most common is the Sweet Potato Brownie.

Could this be counted as healthy baking? Tell the world … it’s a chocolate brownie you can eat without feeling guilty!

Sweet potatoes themselves are full of goodness, packed with antioxidants and heaps of nutritional delights!

The sweet potato flavour compliments your usual brownies to make them even sweeter, even goo-ier, and even tastier!

10. Mushroom

Mushroom Chocolate

Shiitake Mushroom Chocolate is amongst the strangest flavours to find in this list.

Shiitake, used in Asian cuisine, contributes to the beautiful flavour Chocolate Mushroom caramels would make.

This ganache contains dried mushrooms and Peruvian dark chocolate to create its taste.

Gail Ambrosius are the creators of this chocolate, and the usual mushroom texture is replaced by a rich, creamy taste that explores through your tastebuds.

11. Camel’s Milk

Al Nassma Camel Milk

At first glance, this flavour of chocolate may seem quite peculiar. But Al Nassma’s brand of Camel Milk Chocolate suggests otherwise!

Al Nassma prides itself on being the first to create the finest Camel milk chocolate.

Al Nassma state how they are extremely generous with one aspect of their recipe; time.

The development and precision they use of the milk creates a remarkable taste – one that is a must to try!

These are our most unusual chocolate flavours we think you should try.

There are many more tasty flavours out there. So, if you enjoyed these, keep searching for your own!

You may be surprised at what you find!

Katie is a English graduate specialising in journalism and creative writing. Her interests include dancing, performing and swimming and she strives to keep an active and healthy lifestyle! Her motto is: "What you do today can improve all your tomorrows!"

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