Pakistani Teenager Shot Dead for resisting Abduction

In a shocking incident, an 18-year-old Pakistani teenager in Sindh was shot dead after she resisted an abduction attempt.

Pakistani Teenager Shot Dead for resisting Abduction f

"she resisted abduction and forced conversion attempt"

A horrific incident has come to light in which a Pakistani teenager was shot dead in broad daylight after she resisted an abduction attempt.

The incident happened in the district of Sindh.

The victim has been identified as 18-year-old Pooja Oad, although social media users have named her Pooja Kumari.

She was shot dead in Rohi, Sukkar.

It was reported that the incident was another attack against minority communities in Pakistan. In this case, Pooja is Hindu.

Hindus are a minority in Pakistan. Female Hindus are regularly targeted with hate, abductions, rapes, forced marriages and murder.

It was reported that a man named Wahid Lashari tried to abduct Pooja as he wanted to forcefully convert her and marry her.

When the Pakistani teenager resisted, he shot her dead in the middle of the street and fled. He remains on the run.

The incident has caused outrage on social media, with many calling for justice.

One person commented: “Strongly condemn Pooja Kumari’s murder in Rohri.

“We demand arrest of the responsible/murderer immediately. Justice for daughter of Sindh.”

Another said: “Teenage girl Pooja Kumari has been brutally murdered today as she resisted abduction and forced conversion attempt in Rohri, Sindh.

“Where are the provincial and federal governments? Police? Parliament? Courts? This can’t be allowed to continue.”

A third wrote: “Pooja Kumari was brutally killed by Wahid Bux Lashari because she resisted kidnapping which later would have turned into forced conversion and marriage.”

Others called for those responsible to receive capital punishment.

The incident has resulted in #PoojaKumari and #JusticeForPoojaKumari trending on Twitter.

Pakistan’s minority communities have long faced the issue of forced marriages and conversions.

According to the People’s Commission for Minorities’ Rights and the Centre for Social Justice, 156 incidents of forced conversions took place between 2013 and 2019.

In 2019, the Sindh government attempted to outlaw forced conversions and marriages for the second time, but some protestors contested the bill.

The Pakistan Bureau of Statistics reports the overall population of the Hindu community in Pakistan at 1.60 per cent, and 6.51 per cent in Sindh respectively.

Hindus form the biggest minority community in Pakistan.

According to official estimates, 7.5 million Hindus live in Pakistan. However, according to reports, over nine million Hindus are living in the country.

The majority of Pakistan’s Hindu population is settled in Sindh province. They often complain of harassment.

Lead Editor Dhiren is our news and content editor who loves all things football. He also has a passion for gaming and watching films. His motto is to "Live life one day at a time".

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