Nail Polish to detect Date Rape Drugs

Undercover Colors is a new nail polish that detects date rape drugs in drinks. DESIblitz finds out how it works and how it could be used in the future.

Undercover Colours

There have been date rape prevention gadgets before, but none this seamless or easy to use.

A new invention, ‘Undercover Colors’, lets you determine if your beverage is safe to drink, or whether it contains date rape drugs.

Imagine that! Fashion meets innovation whilst promoting safety.

Simply stir your nail in the drink and you’ll be reassured of your safety with a quick verdict. A chemical reaction to prevent a violent action perhaps?

The inventors brand themselves as the ‘First Fashion Company Empowering Women to Prevent Sexual Assault’.

Numerous women can be said to be guilty of leaving their drinks unattended for a brief moment. However, that sixty seconds could prove to be devastating.

Date rape drugs take a few seconds to dissolve in a drink and cannot be detected by the naked eye. Drugs such as Rohypnol or GHB are also completely odourless.

Therefore, a drink left briefly at a bar could cause a shocking outcome.

date rape drug test

There have been numerous date rape prevention gadgets before, but none are this seamless or easy to use.

The discrete nature of this invention is its unique selling point, as it is akin to having an invisible test kit with you.

The simplicity of a nail varnish as a drug detector is ingenious, as most women regularly apply nail varnish for a night out. Those that don’t may reconsider their choice after the launch of this product, as it proves that following fashion can go a long way!

‘Undercover Colors’ was invented by four science students from North Carolina State University. It is currently in the development stage, but aims to be out soon. The innovative idea stemmed from the drive to find a preventive solution for sexual assault.

Interestingly, this nail polish product for women is founded by a male team. Each founder had personally known someone that had been victimised, and as a result, they wanted a prevention method that would be easy for all women to use.

So far, their idea has been met with wide spread enthusiasm and support, and their Facebook Page has already reached over 114,000 likes.

date rape drug test kit

They are currently seeking donations and crowd funding to carry on testing and developing their products through social media.

However, like any great product on the verge of launching, it has been criticised and questioned by the media and general public.

Some have questioned whether all drugs will have a chemical reaction to the nail polish. If not, would this leave women with a dangerous level of confidence about the safety of their drink?

Equally, should ‘Undercover Colors’ be more cautious about specific chemical information given to the media? Could this information lead to adverse effects, such as giving rise to new, undetectable date rape drugs?

These question are inconclusive for now.

Despite this, the invention is bound to make waves in the market once it is out because it’s fashionable, unique and promotes safety for women.

Whether or not it works on all drugs, the mere fact that it detects most drugs is a step in the right direction to protect potentially vulnerable women. Time will surely tell the success of this new product.

Bandhna is an Entrepreneur and Co-Founder of Envylope App. She loves food, Bollywood, globe-trotting and anything that SPARKLES. Her motto: Aim for the moon, even if you fall - you’ll reach the stars.

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