PTI Leader Iftikhar Durrani embroiled in Sextape Scandal

PTI leader Iftikhar Durrani has come under controversy after a sextape purportedly of him circulated on social media.

PTI Leader Iftikhar Durrani embroiled in Sextape Scandal f

Some people claimed that the woman was Rabia Malik

A sextape allegedly of PTI leader Iftikhar Durrani has circulated on social media.

The video shows a man and a woman lying together on a bed.

It then cuts to the pair getting intimate, with the woman nude from the waist down.

The man, believed to be Durrani, is then seen having sex with the woman.

The explicit video quickly went viral and while some labelled the Pakistani politician “shameful”, others showed their support for him.

Questions were also raised over the identity of the woman in the video.

Some people claimed that the woman was Rabia Malik, who was appointed as the Deputy Lead for PTI’s Twitter team.

She has been in the role since 2020 and is said to be a major contributor with trends and outreach initiatives, which helped the PTI to get top digital footprints.

However, other users have stated that the woman is actually Durrani’s wife.

Although Iftikhar Durrani has not commented on the alleged sextape, social media users have stated that the leak is part of a political conspiracy.

Some claimed that the ruling PML-N are to blame, stating that the party leaked the video and claimed that Durrani was having an affair with a colleague.

One netizen said: “This is Iftikhar Durrani’s wife. She looks similar in the video.

“I think PML-N media cell did this intentionally and played with respect of Rabia Malik. If that’s the case then shame on them. It’s disgusting putting cameras in bedrooms. They have no morality.”

Another said: “Please correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe the woman in the video is his wife.

“There’s literally nothing wrong with a married couple having sex in the privacy of their room.

“I believe it’s PML-N propaganda claiming Iftikhar is with another woman. Filthy tactics to silence PTI.”

One conspiracy theory is that the video was leaked because Durrani refused to quit the PTI.

One person wrote: “Hope that today everyone has come to know why people are leaving PTI.

“When PTI leader Iftikhar Durrani refused to quit PTI, a private video of him and his wife inside a closed room in a hotel was released today and almost every politician has such type of videos of which they are blackmailed.

“This is one of the perfect examples, how they are controlling Afghan Taliban leadership, there are credible reports that maximum all the leaders of Taliban have such types of videos.

“That is the reason that today they are puppets.”

The scandal comes at a time when the PTI is reeling following the May 9, 2023, protests after Imran Khan was arrested in an alleged corruption case.

Several PTI leaders, including Shireen Mazari and Maleeka Bukhari, have quit the party.

Lead Editor Dhiren is our news and content editor who loves all things football. He also has a passion for gaming and watching films. His motto is to "Live life one day at a time".

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