Indian Woman uses Gun to kidnap Ex-Boyfriend at Wedding

An Indian woman reportedly used a shotgun to kidnap her ex-boyfriend, just as he was due to marry another woman. Yet, she says he left of his own accord.

Indian Woman uses Gun to kidnap Ex-Boyfriend at Wedding

This shocking incident has left many to nickname her as 'Revolver Rani'.

An Indian woman has reportedly used a gun to kidnap her ex-boyfriend at his own wedding.

Arriving at the wedding with armed men, she supposedly stuck the gun to his head and forced him to leave with her.

The supposed incident took place on 15th May 2017. The accused, identified as Varsha Sahu, supposedly arrived with armed men in tow, as they pulled up in a vehicle.

They walked into the venue and reports claimed Varsha Sahu pointed a revolver to her ex-boyfriend’s head.

The ex-boyfriend, named Ashok Yadav, was supposed to marry just moments ahead. However, the Indian woman decided to kidnap him and threatened to hurt others if they tried to stop her. She supposedly said she would not let another woman marry him.

Both Varsha Sahu and the armed men forced the ex-boyfriend into the car. They then all left the scene, much to the guests’ shock and confusion.

This shocking incident has left many to nickname the Indian woman as ‘Revolver Rani’.

But, why did she do it?

The two had previously been involved in a relationship, after having met in a private clinic. As their love blossomed, they soon spoke of marriage. However, their hopes cut to a short end, as Yadav’s parents had arranged him to marry another woman.

Reports claim that Yadav soon began to avoid Varsha Sahu and began to cut all contact with her. Feeling betrayed and hurt, ‘Revolver Rani’ soon discovered the reason for the abrupt break-up and wanted revenge.

However, she soon became arrested by police and has now revealed her side of the story. Varsha Sahu claimed that she did not kidnap her ex-boyfriend, explaining that he left of his own accord.

According to the Indian woman, Yadav had approached her vehicle and ask to leave with her. She said:

“He was not happy with the marriage. He was not ready to marry that girl. The girl’s family knew he was in love with someone else but said she would handle the situation.”

She also denied claims that she carried a gun. “I did not go there with a pistol… it is all a lie,” she added.

Police have also spoken about the incident, confirming the reasons for the kidnap. They explained: “She has said they were lovers and knew each other for eight years. The boy was not happy with the marriage he was getting into.”

As of yet, Ashok Yadav still remains missing. Police will now work on locating his whereabouts.

Sarah is an English and Creative Writing graduate who loves video games, books and looking after her mischievous cat Prince. Her motto follows House Lannister's "Hear Me Roar".

Image courtesy of: NDTV.

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