Indian Accountant & Boyfriend arrested for Rs 1.16 Crore Scam

An Indian accountant and her boyfriend were arrested in Jharkhand for carrying out a scam worth Rs. 1.16 Crore (£124,000).

Indian Accountant & Boyfriend arrested for Rs 1.16 Scam f

they realised that it was an elaborate scam.

On Friday, December 27, 2019, an Indian accountant and her boyfriend were arrested in connection with a Rs. 1.16 Crore (£124,000) scam.

It was reported that the couple had conned a company into thinking that they would build public toilets.

Both were arrested at their homes in Jharkhand following raids by police teams led by station in-charge Shankar Thakur.

He had received a tip-off about the scam relating to a fake deal in order to have toilets built.

During the investigation, officers identified Urmila Baraik as the prime suspect. Further inquiries revealed that her boyfriend, Lakhinder Sahu was also involved.

Immediately after the scam, the couple went on the run.

Officers discovered that the suspects were lovers. While Baraik was a qualified accountant, Sahu worked at a college where he ran a training centre.

Following the tip-off, which detailed the suspects’ whereabouts, both were arrested.

An FIR had been lodged, which alleged that the couple had offered to build several public toilets for the Swachh Bharat mission in exchange for a payment.

The couple had asked for Rs. 1.16 Crore. The government programme eventually agreed to the amount and signed the document.

However, after construction on the public toilets never got underway, they realised that it was an elaborate scam.

Swachh Bharat mission member Chandan Kumar had met with the Indian accountant and her boyfriend during the negotiations.

After realising that it was a con, he approached officers at Sadar Police Station and filed a complaint.

Mr Kumar identified Urmila and Lakhinder. He also said that others were involved, posing as consultants and advisors.

An FIR was registered, however, all of the suspects had gone on the run.

On November 21, 2019, police officers arrested an advisor named Ujjwal in Thakurgaon village, Maharashtra. He was taken into custody.

Others were also on the run, including the two lovers.

During the investigation, officers analysed bank accounts and discovered that out of the total amount that was stolen, Urmila transferred Rs. 15 Lakh (£16,000) to her lover’s account.

After establishing that the two were lovers, police began searching for Lakhinder.

Officers conducted several raids in an attempt to arrest Urmila and Lakhinder but were unsuccessful.

In December 2019, officer Thakur received more information about the case. He was also informed that the couple had returned to their homes in the state of Jharkhand.

Raids were conducted at the homes and the couple were arrested. While they remain in custody, the investigation continues.

Lead Editor Dhiren is our news and content editor who loves all things football. He also has a passion for gaming and watching films. His motto is to "Live life one day at a time".

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