Huda Kattan calls for Transparency over edited Social Media Pics

Huda Kattan, the creator of Huda Beauty, has called for transparency over filters and edited photos on social media.

Huda Kattan calls for Transparency over edited Social Media Pics f

"she thinks it's normal to use filters"

Make-up mogul Huda Kattan has stated that she has “had enough” of photo editing, as they have warped modern beauty standards into something “unrealistic”.

Ms Kattan, the founder of Huda Beauty, has called for more transparency when photos have been edited.

She wants the public, influencers and beauty brands to highlight when pictures have been edited, through a hashtag or disclaimer.

Ms Kattan believes that without this, people are sold “lies”. This can damage their self-confidence and self-esteem.

According to a survey by Girlguiding, more than a third of girls and young women refuse to post pictures of themselves unless they have changed aspects of their appearance, mainly through filters and editing.

Ms Kattan revealed that it is a problem seen within her own home.

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She told Sky News: “I look at my daughter – she’s nine – she thinks it’s normal to use filters and I don’t like that.

“Is she going to grow up in a world where people are honest? Could that possibly happen? Is that too much to ask?”

Ms Kattan has now decided not to use any filters on her skincare social media account.

She said: “I’ve had enough. When are we going to start being real?

“If I was scrolling through social media and I saw [a disclaimer], I would feel better about myself… because I would know there were experts involved to make this photo/person look the best they can.”

Although she does not have a problem with the use of filters to an extent, Huda Kattan claims they are a problem when you cannot “recognise the person”.

She explained that it then creates “unrealistic, unhealthy standards”.

Huda Kattan started Huda Beauty in 2013 and revealed that she left her finance job for make-up because she felt “ugly”.

She said that she transformed her face as a way to fit in but it was through makeup, not technology.

Her business is now worth $1 billion.

Ms Kattan recalled: “When I first got into make-up, I felt ugly. It was a tool that made me feel complete, worthy.

“I felt there was something lacking in me that lacked beauty… and if I put concealer on, foundation, changed my brows, put tonnes of mascara on that somehow I would look and feel better… but I was wearing a mask.”

However, the rise of filters on apps like Snapchat and Instagram have drastically changed things.

At the tap of a screen, users can take pictures which creates the effect of physical make-up.

Users can radically change their appearance. Options include flawless skin, plumper lips and brightly coloured eyes.

Huda Kattan explained: “Airbrushing, Photoshop and filters have morphed beauty standards into something that is so unrealistic.

“[These levels of] beauty are never really attainable. You will always need to use something else – that’s the danger.”

But Ms Kattan has been criticised for her own personal use of cosmetic procedures, with some netizens calling her a “hypocrite”.

She said: “Some people say I’m part of the problem – fair.

“There was a time I had too much Botox, too much fillers… I am part of a big problem, and I admit that.”

“I’m also stuck in this revolving door, stuck in this never-ending game.”

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She says she now wants to be part of the solution, claiming she is speaking out as it is time to “break that habit” of overthinking how we look in pictures.

Ms Kattan wants all people to move towards “self-acceptance” and admits it is a “long journey”, but one she will keep fighting.

“I’m in contact with a lot of founders (of beauty brands) and have asked them to join me… and I haven’t got any response from them.

“I’m hoping to put more pressure on them. I haven’t got a response just yet.

“I don’t know what everyone is so afraid of.”

According to cosmetic reconstruction doctor Dr Tijion Esho, the Covid-19 pandemic may have increased the problem.

He has witnessed a 30% rise in clients who have come to him. Many show filtered pictures of themselves as a reference point.

Dr Esho said: “People used to bring in pictures of their favourite Hollywood stars, but now they’re bringing in pictures using Snapchat filters.”

He calls it the “Zoom Boom”.

“A lot of patients are now analysing what they’re looking like on those platforms (Teams and Zoom), similar to how they did on social media platforms.

“This has caused many insecurities.”

Dhiren is a News & Content Editor who loves all things football. He also has a passion for gaming and watching films. His motto is to "Live life one day at a time".

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