Experts warn against Casual Sex during COVID-19

It appears social-distancing is not enough to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. Experts have revealed one must also abstain from sex.

Experts warn against Casual Sex during COVID-19 f

"Find sexual pleasure in other ways.”

The outbreak of the Coronavirus has caused everyday life to come to a standstill and now experts have warned people against having casual sex during the pandemic.

Governments across the world have implemented strict social-distancing rules and nationwide lockdowns to help fight the spread of COVID-19.

People have been instructed to remain within their households and strictly limit contact with people who are not members of their household.

These strict measures have been put in place to ensure people stay at home to stay safe.

Now, health professionals are advising people to abstain for sexual intercourse.

According to the UK’s leading HIV and sexual health charity, Terrence Higgins Trust, people are being asked to not have sex.

Medical Director at Terrence Higgins Trust, Dr Michael Brady explains how abstaining from sex will protect your general health. He said:

“I have never been an advocate of promoting abstinence – but this message is not about protecting your sexual health – it’s about protecting your general health and that of those around you from virus that can be deadly.

“This is extraordinary and unprecedented advice for us to be giving out, but these are extraordinary and unprecedented times.

“It’s only natural that we look to sex for pleasure, to relieve stress and anxiety or simply to pass the time; whether that’s with a regular partner or hook-up apps.

“But our ‘new normal’ is that we now have to find other ways to do this while sticking to the advice to stay at home.

“This is not just to protect ourselves against the virus but also to protect the most vulnerable in our society.

“I never thought I would say this – but the reality is that, for the time being, you are your safest sexual partner.

“It is time to stay at home, stop close contact with people outside your household and to be creative about how we manage our sex lives.

“Reducing body contact and having less sex really will make a big impact on reducing the onward transmission of Coronavirus.

“This advice means that unless you have sex with someone within your household, it’s important to find sexual pleasure in other ways.”

Experts warn against Casual Sex during COVID-19 - 1

Professor Hunter further emphasised the importance of not having sexual intercourse for especially if you fall under the at-risk category. He said:

“If your partner does not live with you then they should be staying away.

“If your sex life is rather more bohemian and you cannot get to have sex without mixing with some/many other people, this mixing is advised against, so stay at home.

“This is especially important if you are in one of the at-risk groups.”

The virus “comes from being close, face-to-face, through droplet spread, through kissing and touching each other’s faces.”

“The evidence is unclear about whether vigorous exercise is bad for you when you are acutely unwell with fever or pneumonia.

“Nevertheless, it would probably be best to avoid sex whilst you feel poorly.

“Whether you do or do not still have sex during this period, remember to wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds and avoid touching your or your partner’s face with unwashed hands.”

Undoubtedly, this is a difficult time for everyone across the world and now it seems abstaining from sex is another way to help combat the spread of the Coronavirus.

Ayesha is an English graduate with an aesthetic eye. Her fascination lies in sports, fashion and beauty. Also, she does not shy away from controversial subjects. Her motto is: “no two days are the same, that is what makes life worth living.”

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