Man Married Minor Indian Girl & Got Her Pregnant

In a depraved incident, a man from Odisha got married to a minor Indian girl in Tamil Nadu. He ended up getting her pregnant.

Man Married Minor Indian Girl & Got Her Pregnant f

doctors found that the girl was pregnant, they informed the police.

A police case has been registered against a man after he married a minor Indian girl and got her pregnant.

The man was originally from Odisha while the 15-year-old girl was a resident of Kariampalayam, Tamil Nadu.

The matter came to light when the teenager went to the hospital and doctors found she was pregnant. She gave birth to a baby boy on February 26, 2020.

Police identified the man as 20-year-old Bibek Das. He worked at a spinning mill in Kariampalayam.

It was reported that Das and the girl had been working at the spinning mill for around four years.

They had been in a relationship and when the idea of marriage came to fruition, the girl’s parents gave their consent. Das and the girl ended up getting married in February 2019.

In May 2019, the girl fell pregnant.

On February 23, the girl went to Mettupalayam Government Hospital but was later referred to Coimbatore Medical Hospital College (CMHC) for a checkup.

When doctors found that the girl was pregnant, they informed the police.

The Thudiyalur all-women police registered a case under sections of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act and the Child Marriage Act.

On February 26, the Indian girl was at Kavundampalayam Public Health Centre when she gave birth to a baby boy.

The girl had no health issues but doctors are monitoring the baby after the child was underweight. Doctors are monitoring the baby at the Newborn Intensive Care Unit in CMHC.

Meanwhile, police are working to locate Das’ whereabouts and to arrest him.

In an equally shocking incident, a schoolgirl was found pregnant by the warden.

It was reported that the warden found the Class 9 girl vomiting in the bathroom. When he asked what was wrong, she claimed that she was ill.

The warden was suspicious so he got a pregnancy testing kit and tested the minor. It confirmed that the girl was pregnant.

He then informed the education authorities.

During their internal investigation, they questioned the school’s security measures. The school has several CCTV cameras but it did not spot any potential intruders.

The authorities also suspect that someone inside the school could be involved.

After discovering the pregnancy, the warden immediately called the girl’s parents. After speaking to them, he signed a declaration, which stated that the girl said she had an illicit relationship with a boy from her village.

It is not yet known who got the girl pregnant but when education officials went to the school, staff members did not provide helpful information.

Lead Editor Dhiren is our news and content editor who loves all things football. He also has a passion for gaming and watching films. His motto is to "Live life one day at a time".

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