Hasan Minhaj admits to making up Stories of Racism

Hasan Minhaj has admitted to fabricating stories of discrimination in his Netflix specials, clarifying that these stories are fictional.

Hasan Minhaj admits to making up Stories of Racism - f

"The factual truth is secondary."

Hasan Minhaj’s Netflix comedy specials and political show have come under fire for being littered with false stories of racial discrimination.

The comedian rose to fame with his first show Homecoming King in 2017 and went on to host Netflix’s political ‘talk’ show called Patriot Act.

He ended his run with the streaming service with The King’s Jester in 2022.

While on stage, Minhaj shared stories about how he was left standing at a white girl’s door when he went to pick her up for their homecoming dance.

Other stories included Brother Eric ‘infiltrating’ his local mosque and white powder falling on his daughter while opening a letter.

Hasan Minhaj also claimed he was threatened at a Saudi Arabian Embassy and watched Jared Kushner sit in a chair reserved for an imprisoned Saudi activist.

In an interview released by The New Yorker, Minhaj says his stories are based on “emotional truths.”

He told the publication: “Every story in my style is built around a seed of truth.

“My comedy Arnold Palmer is 70 per cent emotional truth and then 30 per cent hyperbole, exaggeration, fiction.”

Minhaj justified the fabrication of his stories by claiming that “the emotional truth is first. The factual truth is secondary.”

The magazine reached out to people involved in Hasan Minhaj’s stories and discovered many were either factually wrong or presented in the wrong timeline.

Some of the people also ended up reaching out to Minhaj to take accountability for his fake stories.

The unidentified woman in Minhaj’s story of being left at the door said that the incident never even happened.

She clarified she had turned her close friend down days before the dance.

The woman also said she and her family had been facing online threats for years because Minhaj had failed to disguise her identity and revealed she was engaged to an Indian American man at the time.

A source also revealed to the magazine that Minhaj ran a picture of her and her husband at an Off-Broadway show with just their faces blurred out.

When she reached out to Minhaj about the damage caused, he shrugged off her concerns.

When confronted by the magazine about his actions, he said: “I don’t think I’m manipulating [the audience].

“I think they are coming for the emotional roller-coaster ride.”

“To the people that are, like, “Yo, that is way too crazy to happen,” I don’t care because yes, f*** yes—that’s the point. It’s grounded in truth.

“I think what I’m ultimately trying to do is highlight all of those stories.

“Building to what I think is a pointed argument as opposed to a “pointless riff” of jokes.”

Managing Editor Ravinder has a strong passion for fashion, beauty, and lifestyle. When she's not assisting the team, editing or writing, you'll find her scrolling through TikTok.

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