Better Skin Care for Men

Simply shaving and applying aftershave isn’t a great way to look after your skin. DESIblitz has some basics about skin care for men.

A Guide for Skin Care for Men

“I recommend applying sunscreen right after shaving"

When it comes to skin care regimes, many men will admit they don’t really have one.

Research suggests that only 25 per cent of men use any kind of skin care product, whether that be a facial cleanser or a moisturiser.

With those stats in mind, 75 per cent of men don’t even worry or even think about their skin and how it looks or feels.

For these men water and a razor is all they need to get the job done.

The new era of metrosexual men may however, be beginning to change this ignorance of skincare.

Of course, men don’t necessarily opt for the complex and long-winded skin regimes that women have, but that doesn’t mean that more effort is needed to look after their skin.

DESIblitz presents some tips and tricks on the steps you can take to get your skin nourished, refreshed and looking younger.

Grooming Products

Face cleaner

Men’s grooming doesn’t have to be too big of a challenge. Essentially, there are a few skincare essentials they need for daily use. These products include:

1. Face cleanser  

It’s vital that you wash your face twice a day with a good cleanser. If possible, it should contain an alpha hydroxy acid to help wash away dead skin cells, keep the pores clean, and reveal new skin.

2. Shaving Cream

Avoid relying solely on water to shave. Your skin needs lubrication, in the form of cream so that the razor blade can easily glide across it.

Shaving products come in many different forms: from cream, or gel in pressurised cans, or even special shaving soap that is applied with a brush.

The shaving brush helps to untangle beard hairs and make them stand straighter on the surface of the skin so they are easier to cut through.

Abir, 19, says: “Taking care of skin wasn’t always an issue, until my teens and then every facial product I bought needed to be perfect because I didn’t want my acne to get worse.”

3. Aftershave Lotion 

Many men use an aftershave lotion to soothe the skin after shaving. The lotion may contain an antiseptic to prevent infection, a moisturiser, or fragrance.

All of this helps to alleviate any discomfort that may arise from the friction of shaving.

4. Moisturiser 


Moisturising is also essential to keep your skin smooth and soft.

Skin tends to dry out as its essential oils diminish with age, and a good moisturiser can help.

Opt for a moisturiser that contains antioxidants like vitamins A, C, and E. These will protect your skin cells from ageing.

Stay far away from creams or lotions that contain sodium lauryl sulfate. This chemical tends to remove natural oils from the skin.

5. Sunscreen 

Sunscreen is the best thing you can do to prevent aging of your skin, and it should be applied whenever you expect to spend time outdoors.

Ahmed, 21, says: “I recommend applying sunscreen right after shaving. Make sure it has an SPF factor of at least 15 to get the best results.”

Shaving for Skin Care

Men's skin care products

There are many pros to shaving. It actually keeps your skin looking young and healthy as it encourages exfoliation of dead skin cells.

However, it is vital that you shave properly to avoid razor burn. You can even cause razor bumps if the hair curls back into the surface of the skin.

Here are some basic steps to shaving that you can follow.

1. Soften your Beard

Wash your entire face with warm to hot water. This will soften your beard hairs and make them easier to remove. You can even use a warm washcloth to do this.

See our article on beard care here.

2. Apply Shaving Cream 

Apply shaving cream to your entire beard, gently rubbing in to ensure the hairs are coated and are lifted up from the surface of the skin.

Your skin will also get the necessary lubrication it needs.

A Guide for Skin Care for Men

3. Shave Carefully

With a sharp blade or razor, shave the hairs in the direction that they lay. Keep your face relaxed and un-tensed as this will help the blades move more smoothly.

Try not to repeat the same strokes again and again.

4. Rinse 

Rinse off any excess or remaining cream from your face with cool to warm water. Avoid using hot water as this will dry out your skin.

Aamir, 20 , says:

“I didn’t think that shaving impacted the way my skin looked but I tend to get a lot of razor burns and use the wrong products. Once I realised what I was doing wrong, I managed to get my skin back to what it was.”

Anti-Aging Treatments

A Guide for Skin Care for Men

Sunscreen is widely considered as one of the best treatments for aging skin. This is because it protects your skin from sun damage while moisturising it at the same time.

However, there are certain treatments that men can consider if their skin starts to look or feel as though it is aging.

Fine lines and dullness can be treated with tretinoin gels or emollient, like Retin-A Micro and Renova.

These contain a lot of Vitamin A which speeds up the production of collagen and elastic fibres that can smooth out any wrinkles and fine lines.

Manahil, 27, says: “I suffered from bad adult acne and I didn’t want to use glorified skin products. But then my mom gave me a cream called Stillman and I used it for a few weeks and my skin cleared right up.”

Some creams and products are usually available only via prescription, so it is worth checking with your GP or doctor whether or not you need them.

Whilst many men would feel that taking care of skin can be a hassle and may not be necessary, sometimes skin requires extra help from useful products to keep it looking healthy and fresh.

So if you are unhappy about the way your skin looks or feels, try out some some of our skin care tips.

Talha is a Media Student who is Desi at heart. He loves films and all things Bollywood. He has a passion for writing, reading and occasionally dancing at Desi weddings. His life motto is: “Live for today, strive for tomorrow.”

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