Yo Yo Honey Singh adores Uorfi Javed’s Bold Style

Yo Yo Honey Singh praised Uorfi Javed, who is known for her unique fashion sense, calling her “fearless and brave”.

Yo Yo Honey Singh adores Uorfi Javed's Bold Style f

"Do whatever you set your mind to"

Yo Yo Honey Singh labelled Uorfi Javed’s bold style “fearless and brave”, stating that young women in India should learn from her.

The rapper has returned with his new album Honey 3.0 and whilst promoting his new song ‘Yai Re’, he praised Uorfi and said:

“I loved that kid very much.

“She is very fearless and brave. She wants to live her life in her own way.

“I think all girls in our country should learn from her.

“Do whatever you set your mind to without any hesitation, without fear of anyone, no matter where you come from, no matter what religion, caste or family you belong to.

“Do not do everything that does not belong in your family, but do what your heart says, without fear of anyone.”

Honey Singh also requested fans to listen to their parents, something he admitted he did not do and it led to his destruction.

In addition to his new album, Honey Singh is dating actress Tina Thadani, who featured in his song ‘Paris Ka Trip’, following his divorce from Shalini Talwar.

Explaining how the two met, the rapper said:

“The first time I met Tina was when we were in Dubai, before which we used to only talk and had not met in person yet.

“So, first time when I met her in Dubai, we both were with our own group of friends, due to which we couldn’t talk much.

“We met on the sets, and I felt something different, more like she is mine.

“So, eventually I had to put a lot of effort to woo her and finally she agreed to it.

“She has drastically changed my life. She knew a little about my early life already.”

“I gave her more details and insights of my life so that someday she does not get to know something suddenly that would shock her or put her in thoughts that she should have known that particular information earlier.”

Tina revealed that they began dating in April 2022. She said:

“Things evolved between us gradually. As I got to know him, I realised that Honey is so different.

“It is hard to come across a person like him. He is very charismatic and intelligent. I have been a fan of his work, too. He is a trendsetter and he stands out.”

Lead Editor Dhiren is our news and content editor who loves all things football. He also has a passion for gaming and watching films. His motto is to "Live life one day at a time".

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