CheckDocs can help Landlords with Right to Rent checks

CheckDocs is a new cloud-based solution for simple and hassle-free Right to Rent checks. It aims to help landlords save time and cost.

CheckDocs ~ A Cheaper way to do Right to Rent checks

“The new laws have made things a lot more stressful.”

Following the rollout of Right to Rent checks across England in February 2016, a new software called CheckDocs has been launched to aid landlords comply with the legislation.

Created by Technology Blueprint Ltd, CheckDocs is a new and improved way of allowing private landlords to conduct the mandatory immigration checks on prospective tenants.

Available for web use and free download on iTunes and Android, the app can digitally run Right to Rent checks by scanning the appropriate documentation with their phone camera or a scanner.

They are then able to download the full report immediately, providing them with instant access to active and previous documents detailing their residents’ previous tenancies.

Landlords across the country will be saved from the arduous process of conducting Right to Rent checks, which normally involve extensive paperwork, postage, application forms, thus incurring higher costs and time spent.

CheckDocs ~ A Cheaper way to do Right to Rent checksWith CheckDocs, a small-scale landlord can carry out individual checks for £3.50, which is significantly less than the current average price of a Right to Rent check at £7.50.

The app also allows landlords to purchase packages of 100, 250, 500 and 1,000+, at decreasing prices, with 1,000 or more checks priced at an inexpensive £1 each.

In addition, the data is stored in a secure cloud server and cannot be saved on the device, thus protecting the tenant’s privacy.

Watch the video below to find out how to run a Right to Rent check using CheckDocs:


Since the introduction of the mandate, landlords could be fined up to £3,000 if found renting properties to illegal immigrants.

The new software will no doubt come as a benefit for numerous landlords across England. 39-year-old Naheed, a British Asian landlord who leases properties all over Birmingham, applauds CheckDocs for its simplicity and convenience.

CheckDocs ~ A Cheaper way to do Right to Rent checksHe tells DESIblitz: “The new laws have made things a lot more stressful. There is a lot of paperwork and sometimes you have to really chase it up with some tenants. It can take a while.

“And, of course it’s not cheap. Mostly, it’s time-consuming. So I am looking forward to using the programme. I’ll download it on my phone. I’m sure it’ll make the checks a lot easier and quicker.”

Vik Tara, Managing Director of Technology Blueprint Ltd and the innovator behind CheckDocs, hopes this will make landlords’ lives much easier:

“Recent legislation makes private landlords responsible for vetting their prospective tenants and there has been much confusion about how to do this properly.

“We were amazed that no one had come up with a platform that could make this process easy and keep them compliant.

“CheckDocs was born out of our team’s collective years of expertise building software solutions for effective and compliant property management.”

CheckDocs ~ A Cheaper way to do Right to Rent checksAlthough there has been recent development which could prevent landlords from being criminalised, an easy-to-use initiative like CheckDocs could proven to be highly beneficial for landlords to ensure they are operating within legal bounds.

You can download the app for iOS or Android.

Raeesa is an English Graduate with an appreciation for both classic and contemporary literature and art. She enjoys reading on a wide variety of subjects and discovering new writers and artists. Her motto is: 'Be curious, not judgemental.'

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