Why is #PakistaniPerverts trending in Turkey?

In Turkey, the likes of #PakistaniGetOut and #PakistaniPerverts are trending on Twitter for disturbing reasons.

Why is #PakistaniPerverts trending in Turkey f

"Parasites for whichever society they dwell into."

Disturbing matters have come to light in Turkey and it has resulted in #PakistaniPerverts and #PakistaniGetOut trending on Twitter in the country.

The hashtags have attracted a lot of attention after a chilling TikTok trend emerged.

The videos show Pakistani men living in Turkey secretly filming young women as they go about their daily business.

In some cases, the perpetrators follow the unsuspecting women.

The videos are created by individuals or groups and many of the clips show the perpetrators.

One prominent video shows a woman being followed, with the camera frequently zooming in on her trousers.

The clip ends with a group of men posing for the camera.


Another shows an individual covertly filming several women as they waited for a train.

Some videos that have circulated even show men filming children, with one individual posing for the camera as he secretly films a group of boys at the beach.

It is believed that dozens of similar videos, in which Pakistani men are secretly filming Turkish women, have been shared on TikTok.

Others are resharing the voyeuristic video clips.

The videos have caused outrage on social media, with many condemning the men’s actions.

One person said:

“A bunch of Pakistani men are taking pictures and videos of women. Shame on them!”

Another wrote: “Parasites for whichever society they dwell into.”

The emergence of this disturbing trend has led to Turkish nationals calling for Pakistanis to be kicked out of the country.

It was reported that an individual, identified as Junaid, was arrested for secretly filming women at the beach and on the streets of Istanbul.

Dozens of others are believed to have been arrested.

According to Rezvani, an engineer at The Technical University of Catalonia, this trend in Turkey has been going on for a while but it has only come to light recently.

Since coming to fruition, it has reportedly caused outrage in Pakistan and has made its way onto the country’s TV and print media.

In a series of tweets, he stated that the Turkish authorities have taken notice of the incidents.

Rezvani went on to say that the Turkish Government has subsequently begun their efforts to identify the legal status of Pakistanis in Turkey.

As more cases of unlawful activities by Pakistanis in Turkey continue to rise, the Pakistani Embassy and the Consulate have been forced to take out an advisory for their nationals to respect the cultural differences of the countries and not to indulge in activities that tarnish the image of the country.

Lead Editor Dhiren is our news and content editor who loves all things football. He also has a passion for gaming and watching films. His motto is to "Live life one day at a time".

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