7 Popular Fashion Trends that can Affect your Health

Fashion is important, but sometimes it comes at a price. DESIblitz explores seven killer fashion trends that both men and women should be aware of.

7 Popular Fashion Trends that can Affect your Health

A third of women develop foot problems as a result of killer stilettos.

Everyone wants to keep up with the latest fashion trends. But what if these popular trends increased your risk of breathing problems, infections, and even body misalignment?

Chances are, you would probably stop wearing certain items. The reality is, fashion can be bad for your health.

In 2015, a health warning was issued after a 35-year-old woman felt the full force of one killer trend.

After spending the day squatting to pick up boxes, the tightness of her skinny jeans caused numbing in her toes and ankles, resulting in emergency help from the hospital.

The perils of certain style trends are ever-present within today’s fashion world, but which ones should you avoid?

Here are the seven most dangerous fashion choices for men and women:

1. Skinny Jeans

7 Popular Fashion Trends that can Affect your Health

Skinny jeans are a staple wardrobe piece. Although they make an outfit look chic, they come at a price.

It’s all about the width of the trousers versus your abdominal girth. If your jeans have a discrepancy of 7.5 centimetres or more, you could face various health risks.

For men, tight jeans cause overheating in the testicles, which temporarily lowers their sperm count.

Women have been known to contract thrush and other irritable conditions due to the friction between their clothing and skin.

To prevent this, make sure your jeans leave enough room so that you feel comfortable, as oppose to numbingly stiff.

2. High Heels

7 Popular Fashion Trends that can Affect your Health

Heels are a woman’s best friend, right?

Well, studies show that a third of women develop foot problems as a result of killer stilettos.

Not only do they cram your toes together, they also realign your foot shape completely. Dr Nevins, an osteopathic physician, spoke on the perils of heels in relation to your posture:

“The change to the position of your spine puts pressure on nerves in the back and … nerves become trapped, triggering pain and numbness.”

If heels ARE a key part of your day-to-day life, opt for a smaller heel height and wear soft insoles to increase comfort.

3. Tight Underwear

7 Popular Fashion Trends that can Affect your Health

Men and women are prone to wearing tight undergarments.

For men, wearing tight boxers restricts the air entering your skin, which creates a breeding ground for bacteria, and increases your chances of developing a low sperm count.

For women, the synthetic fabrics of their underwear can cause chaffing, thrush, yeast and urinary tract infections.

During warmer summer seasons, you NEED to allow your lady (and male) bits to breath!

Instead of wearing tight, synthetic pants, opt for soft, cotton materials.

4. Heavy Handbags

7 Popular Fashion Trends that can Affect your Health

Ladies pack everything and their kitchen sink into their handbags. But there are growing concerns that heavy handbags are detrimental to a woman’s posture.

Lugging around several pounds of weight in your bag adds pressure to your neck, back and spine, and ultimately results in a curved posture.

To prevent this from happening, clear your handbag of non-essential items. This will relieve the strain emplaced on your body.

Remember, a tidy handbag is equal to a tidy mind!

5. Sagging Pants

7 Popular Fashion Trends that can Affect your Health

Whilst tight pants can restrict blood flow to your legs and feet, sagging pants are also hazardous.

Those who do embrace the ‘low pants look’ can expect to see a variety of health risks.

In order to keep your pants from falling down entirely, you alter your natural gait, which puts added pressure on hips and knees, realigning the body’s structure.

To prevent this, ensure your pants sit in a position that doesn’t strain your posture.

6. Body Piercing

7 Popular Fashion Trends that can Affect your Health

Body piercings have become a worldwide fashion trend for men and women in the last three decades.

Most piercings are safe and do not affect your health. In some cases however, lack of cleanliness after the procedure leads to infections, and can result in their removal if not treated properly.

If you do opt for bodily piercings, ensure you use the correct utensils during the procedure, and constantly clean the area after it has been pierced.

7. Tight Collars

7 Popular Fashion Trends that can Affect your Health

Research shows that those who wear tight fitted collars are more prone to blurred vision, tingly ears, and migraines.

This is because the collar reduces the blood flow reaching your head, which in turn affects your eyes, ears, and brain.

If you have experienced these symptoms, ensure you wear the correct collar size.

This will allow the correct amount of oxygen into your upper body and will put a stop to headaches and dizziness.

In a world full of best dressed lists and ‘who wore what’, fashion is everything! But when it affects your personal well being, changes need to be made.

Mostly, it is about finding the right fit. Many clothing and shoe stores have personal fitting services which measure your body type and shoe size to ensure maximum comfort.

With any fashion choice, if it doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t doing you any favours, so take it out and take it off!

After all, fashion is key, but so is your health.

Danielle is an English & American Literature graduate and fashion enthusiast. If she isn't finding out what's in vogue, it's classic Shakespeare texts. She lives by the motto- "Work hard, so you can shop harder!"

Images courtesy of Topshop and Calvin Klein

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