“Caring” Hospital Consultant dies from Coronavirus

Tributes are being paid to a “loving and caring” hospital consultant from Bolton who passed away after contracting Coronavirus.

Caring Hospital Consultant dies from Coronavirus f

"He dedicated his life to his family and profession."

A hospital consultant who dedicated his life to his family and his job has died after contracting Coronavirus. His family and friends have paid tribute.

Dr Nasir Khan was a married father-of-three from Bolton.

The 46-year-old was a locum doctor working at Dewsbury and District Hospital in West Yorkshire.

His son, Mahad Ali Khan, said his father would “always look for the slightest of excuses to help those in need”.

In a statement, The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust said Dr Khan became ill with the virus in March 2020 and was admitted to Bolton NHS Foundation Trust on April 6.

However, he passed away on April 29.

Mahad said: “My dad was a loving, caring and much-loved father, husband, son, brother and friend.

“He dedicated his life to his family and profession. He was incredibly strong and we always turned to him for support, as he was a shining light of guidance.

“He was compassionate, humble and loyal. He had always put his family and friends before himself and was extremely giving.

“He would always look for the slightest of excuses to help those in need.

“His hard-working nature and charming personality allowed him to make life even more enjoyable. We strive to achieve the greatness that was my dad and fulfil the dreams he has left behind.”

Dr Khan’s friend Dr Khalid Riaz said that the hospital consultant was a mentor to junior doctors.

He explained that Dr Khan was “treating coronavirus patients since this disease started and he was telling his colleagues not to be afraid of this disease and treat patients wholeheartedly”.

Dr Riaz revealed he had been contacted by junior doctors from Dr Khan’s ward who said “he was our consultant but also a friend” and that “he was the heart and soul of the ward”.

He said the juniors told him in a message:

“Even when the concerns about coronavirus came about, he would still thoroughly examine all his patients despite knowing the risks and working without any PPE.

“On ward rounds, he would personally examine the patients and would advise us to stay back to minimise our risks.”

“Whenever we raised our concerns about the situation and work conditions, he would console us by advising us that it was our role and duty as doctors and Allah SWT had put us in this fortunate position to help others.”

Dr Khan started work at the hospital in November 2019.

Martin Barkley, the Trust’s chief executive, said: “In the six months he worked with us Dr Khan had become a very well-liked and valued member of the team with everyone, including nursing and junior doctor colleagues.

“They have spoken of his incredibly positive nature, his kindness and his compassion for his patients.

“He also showed fantastic leadership.

“He was absolutely dedicated to the well-being of the junior staff he was working with, and his thoughtfulness and considerate manner shone out to everyone who met him.

“We consider ourselves very fortunate to have had such a doctor as Dr Khan working for the Trust, and we are all devastated to learn of his death.

“It is impossible to put into words how much our hearts go out to his family and friends. This news is a terrible reminder of the consequences of this pandemic that so many families are having to face.”

Lead Editor Dhiren is our news and content editor who loves all things football. He also has a passion for gaming and watching films. His motto is to "Live life one day at a time".

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