5 Original Paintings by Nitin Ganatra to Behold

Nitin Ganatra is a talented painter along with being a loved actor. We proudly present five of his original paintings, which you can see.

5 Original Paintings by Nitin Ganatra to Behold - F

"Painting became my only expression."

Nitin Ganatra has created a name for himself as an actor, appearing in acclaimed films and television shows.

Perhaps his most famous role is Masood Ahmed in BBC’s EastEnders. His first stint was from 2007 to 2019.

However, after leaving the show, Nitin rediscovered his love for painting and art. 

Revealing he always had a penchant for painting since childhood, Nitin reflects

“I literally shut down and focused on a piece of paper with a pen – pens were cheaper than pencils at the time.

“I would draw and paint relentlessly as a coping strategy.”

Nitin added that he returned to painting during the Covid-19 lockdown.

He continues: “I would do a painting, finish it, put it in a box.

“But then I posted one on social media, and another and the reaction started to grow.

“And then suddenly it became a reality that I could possibly start being the person that I wanted to be.

“Going back to painting was like falling in love with the younger me again.”

Through his Instagram page, Nitin Ganatra has become a popular painter, hosting exhibitions and using his art to contribute to charity.

DESIblitz proudly presents five of his original paintings that every art aficionado must see. 

The Whisper of Light in the Dark

5 Original Paintings by Nitin Ganatra to Behold - The Whisper of Light in the DarkIn the realm of Nitin Ganatra’s resplendent work, his The Boy With The Boxing Glove series stands out.

One of the paintings in this series is The Whisper of Light in the Dark.

Through a magnetic display of colour and reflection, the painting shows a boy appearing to analyse a bird perched on a pair of boxing gloves.

Nitin describes it as “an intimate painting that lets [viewers] create [their] own story.”

He goes on to question whether the bird is a guide and if it is advising him not to fight anymore.

The detail, the meanings, and the representation in this painting show Nitin’s knack for depth and power.

The connotation of stepping out of the dark and back into the light is one that many people can connect with.

Watching the Light Move Across

5 Original Paintings by Nitin Ganatra to Behold - Watching the Light Move AcrossThe series, Study of a Woman, marks Nitin’s fascination for the female form.

He comments: “In [this series], I am playing with flesh tones and abstract bleeding colours to enhance a depth of emotion.

“All in all, it is an experiment with vulnerabilities of the feminine.”

One of the paintings is Watching the Light Move Across.

In a showcase of acrylics and pens, it shows a nude woman sitting on a chair with her legs crossed.

The yellow squares in front of her represent light as it moves before her eyes. 

The woman appears submerged in thought, as the blue background underlines the calmness of her mind.

Such a painting is devoid of any vulgarity and serenely capitalises on Nitin’s talent and thoughtfulness. 

The Boy and the Monkey

5 Original Paintings by Nitin Ganatra to Behold - The Boy and the MonkeyNitin Ganatra once again uses his central character, The Boy, to create an original story.

His series, Into the Wilderness, focuses on the idea that young and old people often reach out to animals to rid themselves of loneliness.

In The Boy and the Monkey, the characters find themselves separated by a wall.

The boy looks up at a monkey swinging on a brick wall.

He has his arm outstretched, and the ape looks down at him, reaching its hand out too.

The distance between them is heartbreaking and despondent but is conveyed beautifully by Nitin’s masterful strokes.

The painting highlights the unspoken relationship between man and beast, painting it as harmonious.

However, like some human relationships, it is wrenching for both participants when it does not succeed. 

The Diving into Love

5 Original Paintings by Nitin Ganatra to Behold - The Diving into LoveIn an excellent display of watercolour and pen, Nitin adorns his series, The Boy in Colour, with this amazing painting.

The Diving into Love pictures a boy leaping off a brick wall into the unknown.

This painting is unique, colourful, and skilfully woven. It speaks to Nitin’s indisputable talent.

Nitin says: “In my journey through life and the need to belong I found that my biggest most profound adventures were experienced alone, with no companion to comment.”

“The Boy in these paintings is in an experiential mode where life is a vibrancy of colour and formlessness.

“His connection to the material world is represented by the metaphoric walls he has climbed to get above and away from the society that reuses to accept him.”

In the Distance

5 Original Paintings by Nitin Ganatra to Behold - In the DistanceSpeaking about his collection, The Return to Self, Nitin states: “After 18 years of not painting, my internal battles forced me to pick up a brush and start creating.

“These are the works that poured out of me, as the darkness I had been running from enveloped me.

“Painting became my only expression. It has not only reconnected me to someone I once was, who got buried by life, but it saved me.”

He describes this series as the stories of climbing inner walls to escape the world.

In the Distance depicts a boy looking far ahead of him and almost getting blinded by the radiant light that glows in his path.

Nitin combines watercolour, pencils, and oils, to create a transcendent piece of art and the results are there for all to see.

Through his paintings, Nitin Ganatra not only forged an outlet for himself but also introduced his fans to a hidden talent.

His admirers, and art connoisseurs, have been impressed and inspired by his talent and skill.

Nitin’s story of returning to painting is an example of the human spirit and desire to grow and achieve more.

There is no doubt that Nitin Ganatra is an accomplished artist in front of the camera.

However, his paintings show that he is an equally strong storyteller in art as well as acting.

See more of Nitin Ganatra’s fabulous artwork here.

Manav is our content editor and writer who has a special focus on entertainment and arts. His passion is helping others, with interests in driving, cooking, and the gym. His motto is: “Never hang on to your sorrows. Always be positive."

Images courtesy of Nitin Ganatra.

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