"The highest record selling artist of Punjab."
Netflix India launched the first teaser of the upcoming biopic Amar Singh Chamkila, which tells the life of the iconic Punjabi singer.
It also unveiled a unique look for Diljit Dosanjh – who plays the lead role – as he is seen without his signature turban for the first time.
The teaser began with the text:
“Netflix presents the untold true story of the greatest singer of his time.
“The highest record selling artist of Punjab.
“Died at age 27.”
The text then replaced “died” with “killed”.
The text was intercut with scenes of Chamkila being introduced on stage from his perspective.
As he gets onstage, the crowd cheers and viewers get a glimpse of Diljit as the legendary singer.
The Imtiaz Ali film concluded by revealing that it will be released on Netflix sometime in 2024.
Fans were immediately excited to see a Chamkila biopic which stars Diljit and features music by AR Rahman.
In addition to Diljit, Parineeti Chopra will play Chamkila’s wife Amarjot.
Diljit shared a video of the teaser and wrote:
“The name that has been in your heart and mind for years has now come in front of you.
“Watch the untold story of Punjab’s highest record-selling artist, Amar Singh Chamkila coming soon only on Netflix.”
Meanwhile, Parineeti shared:
“You’ve heard his voice, now hear his story. Amar Singh Chamkila, coming soon only on Netflix.”
Born Dhani Ram, Amar Singh Chamkila was extremely popular with the village audience.
His monthly bookings regularly outnumbered the number of days in the month, with film composer Amit Trivedi labelling the singer “a legend, the Elvis of Punjab”.
Chamkila’s music was heavily influenced by the Punjabi village life he was surrounded by.
He commonly wrote songs about extramarital relationships, coming of age, alcohol, drug use and the short tempers of Punjabi men.
The singer earned a controversial reputation, with critics calling his music obscene.
But his life was cut short at just 27.
On March 8, 1988, he arrived to perform in Mehsampur.
As he and his wife exited their vehicle, they were shot.
A gang of motorcyclists fired several rounds, killing the couple and two members of their band.
No arrests were ever made in connection to the shooting and the case was never solved. It is believed that Sikh militants carried out the shooting.