7 Magnificent Paintings by Anura Srinath

Anura Srinath is among the most talented names in contemporary Sri Lankan art. We present seven of his most magnificent paintings.

7 Magnificent Paintings by Anura Srinath - F

"I evoke memories of boundless joy."

Anura Srinath is an accomplished talent in the realm of Sri Lankan artists.

He is a contemporary icon who stands out with his visual accentuation and colourful conveyance. 

Anura has a knack for producing unforgettable, thought-provoking art that leaves a lasting impression on art consumers. 

His paintings are available to see in museums and galleries globally and private collections.

Anura’s Instagram page is also resplendent with his creations, and they attract a vast amount of praise and adulation.

DESIblitz proudly presents seven magnificent paintings by Anura Srinath that you must see.

The Last Sweat 01

7 Magnificent Paintings by Anura Srinath - The Last SweatThis painting is a testament to Anura Srinath’s confidence in brushstrokes and colour.

It also displays his zeal for acrylic artwork and bright dynamics.

The Last Sweat 01 is a showcase of jockeys on horses racing to get to the finish line.

The horses are brown and have a fudge-coloured complexion. They are beautifully crafted.

The facial expressions of the jockeys also show Anura’s impeccable attention to detail.

One can see the strain and determination shining in their eyes.

The Last Sweat 01 makes the viewer feel like they are watching a horse race, and that is the talent of a true artist.

A fan comments: “Looking really good! Well done!” 

The Leopard and the Train

7 Magnificent Paintings by Anura Srinath - The Leopard and the TrainOne of Anura’s most iconic paintings, The Leopard and the Train, continues his excellent ability to set captivating scenes.

The detail and finesse on the leopard are exquisite and elegant, showing Anura’s fondness for bringing wild animals to life through art.

As the leopard sits in a regal manner on a branch, a train chugs past in the background. Smoke gushes out of it, but each puff is carefully created.

The lush foliage that dramatises the scene is enthralling and draws the audience into a world of peace and tranquillity.

The Leopard and the Train carries a wonderful sense of juxtaposition that underlines Anura’s versatility and passion for his craft.

This painting is inspired by a Georgian steam engine, and the leopard enjoys the heat emanating from it. 

White Lions

7 Magnificent Paintings by Anura Srinath - White LionsContinuing with Anura Srinath’s fascination for big cats, we come to this gorgeous artistic rendition.

This painting shows a pride of white lions atop some rocks looking towards a ravine.

The males sit gloriously while a lioness gazes into the distance in a standing position.

Clouds in the painting complement the colour scheme and meld with the purity of the lions.

The male lion in the centre is especially impressive as it fills the societal connotation of glory associated with lions. 

Using his vivid imagination and a solid 1-inch aluminium frame, Anura capitalises on the co-existence of these amazing animals.

He also leaves room for the audience to generate their own illustrations and storylines behind the painting.

The Football Player

7 Magnificent Paintings by Anura Srinath - The Football PlayerThis painting underscores a willingness to show inclusivity in artwork.

In the artwork, Anura creates a football player whose arm is amputated at the elbow. 

Despite this, the sportsman uses his leg and head for support as he plays football. 

As the ball flies high in the air, the painting clearly depicts that ability can also depend on determination and grit.

The red, fiery colour scheme used in the painting suggests the passion and love for football.

With this painting, Anura Srinath aims to portray the “ability, determination, and the energy of a differently-abled football player”.

This painting serves as an inspiration for all people, regardless of their abilities.

For that, it is one of Anura’s most notable and beautiful artworks.

Legendary 100 Hollywood Stars

7 Magnificent Paintings by Anura Srinath - Legendary 100 Hollywood StarsAnura increases his array of paintings with this masterpiece.

Along with animals and sportspeople, he has created a mosaic of iconic stars on the silver screen.

Encapsulating many famous names of Hollywood’s Golden Era, Anura brings his elan to the fore in glorious ways.

Along with the Golden Era, Anura also paints more contemporary actors.

Examples of stars included in the painting are Charlie Chaplin, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Will Smith.

Legendary 100 Hollywood Stars also draws influence from the characters of the actors.

Some of the stars are painted in their famous celluloid characters.

Therefore, film lovers, as well as art enthusiasts, can enjoy this painting. 


7 Magnificent Paintings by Anura Srinath - ChildhoodThis painting thrives on the beauty of our childhood memories.

In this artwork, Anura crafts a scene of children playing in a river. Some splash in the water and others play on rocks or in trees.

Childhood is set in a pretty place with green water, foliage and cloudless skies. 

The toys strewn on the rocks beautifully capture the innocence of growing up and enjoying times of fellowship and play.

Talking about this painting, Anura Srinath says: “In this vibrant acrylic creation, I’ve captured the essence of youth and the spirit of adventure.

“The painting radiates with the innocence of play and the deep connection with nature.

“Through dynamic strokes and rich hues, I evoke memories of boundless joy and the carefree days that inspire all.

“Bringing this piece into your home infuses it with the timeless energy of playful hearts and the reminder of life’s simple pleasures.”

Girl in Purple

7 Magnificent Paintings by Anura Srinath - Girl in PurpleGirl in Purple is a delicate and dainty painting of a woman dancing.

She wears a florescent dress as she poses in spirals of purple.

The acrylic paint glitters and gleams and is another strong showcase of Anura’s talent. 

The girl in purple knows what she is doing and has calm control over her choreography.

This makes this painting unique and effortless in its execution.

Anura Srinath is a versatile and vibrant painter with talent filling every pore of his being.

From animals to actors to dancers, he has done it all. 

His deep connection with his artistry, along with his charismatic colours, make him one of the best painters of his time.

When key Sri Lankan painters are mentioned, his name will always shine in glory.

So, go forth and embrace the magnificent artworks of Anura Srinath.

Manav is our content editor and writer who has a special focus on entertainment and arts. His passion is helping others, with interests in driving, cooking, and the gym. His motto is: “Never hang on to your sorrows. Always be positive."

Images courtesy of Instagram and SingulArt.

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