Man inflicted ‘Prolonged Violence’ on ‘Defenceless’ Partner

A man inflicted sustained and repeated assaults upon his “utterly defenceless” partner, a former Leeds University professor.

Partner f

"you were unable to control your anger"

Tahir Malik, aged 54, of Wakefield, was jailed for three years after he subjected his “utterly defenceless” partner to sustained and repeated assaults.

Leeds Crown Court heard that Malik had been with former Leeds University professor Dr Timothy Potts for over 19 years.

Dr Potts’ health began to deteriorate after being diagnosed with dementia. He died in July 2018.

At the couple’s home, Malik hit his partner “out of frustration”.

Dr Potts suffered a badly-bruised abdomen and bruising to his ears.

The attacks had involved weapons and left him with “very significant” injuries.

It was also heard that Malik had sought to avoid getting Dr Potts medical attention, and was reluctant to let him go to hospital for “fear of being exposed”.

However, it was heard that Malik undertook research on what medication could help prolong the life of his partner.

Malik denied two counts of assault occasioning bodily harm but was found guilty after a trial.

Judge Christopher Batty told Malik:

“His (Dr Potts’) health was failing him. Nobody knew that better than you.

“Having been with him for 19 years, for the last three years of his life you watched his deterioration.”

“I’m satisfied that in general terms you loved him and wanted the best for him.

“It’s clear from the evidence that you carried out a great deal of research in order to get to grips with his dementia.

“There’s no doubt that caring for him became a significant burden for you. It’s clearly a very difficult and frustrating job.

“The hours are long and unrewarding.

“It was also very difficult for Tim to be in that position, to lose his dignity.

“I’ve no doubt that the last thing he wanted to be was a burden on you.

“But you were unable to control your anger and frustration.

“Having lost your temper in such a terrible way, you responded with significant and prolonged violence against him. He was utterly defenceless.

“It was so sad to watch him struggle between his love for you and doing the right thing in respect of what you did to him.”

There was no indication that the assaults led to Dr Potts’ death.

Malik was sentenced to three years in prison.

Dr Potts was a philosophy lecturer at the University of Leeds between 1962 and 1992.

He authored numerous books and established The Mangoletsi Trust in memory of his mother.

Lead Editor Dhiren is our news and content editor who loves all things football. He also has a passion for gaming and watching films. His motto is to "Live life one day at a time".

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